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- » (8)国際経済・経営地理学研究グループ
(8)国際経済・経営地理学研究グループ - 日本地理学会
- 活動報告:国際経済・経営地理学研究グループ
代表者 シュルンツェ ロルフ・平 篤志
一方、数年来作成を進めてきた研究グループ関係者を中心とした英文書 “Management geography: An Asian perspective focusing on Japan and surrounding regions” は、幸い英文叢書編集委員会の審査を通り、昨年12月に受理された。その後、Springer社の審査を経て、現在契約の段階に進んでいる。来年度中に刊行の予定である。
Management Geography: An Asian perspective focusing on Japan and surrounding regions
Atsushi Taira and Rolf D. Schlunze (eds)
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: Management geography—An Asian perspective focusing on Japan and surrounding regions (Atsushi Taira and Rolf D. Schlunze)
Part I: Japanese/international managerial practices around the world
Chapter 2: Performance analysis of boundary spanners in multinational enterprises through the lens of management geography (Rolf D. Schlunze)
Chapter 3: Changes in the locational conditions of the Japanese machinery and instrument industry in China: A case study of the Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone (Yasuhisa Abe)
Chapter 4: Management issues in global R&D of Japanese chemical companies (Natsuki Kamakura)
Chapter 5: Small- and medium-sized “global-niche” firms in Japan: A key for the rejuvenation of Japan’s local economy? (Atsushi Taira)
Part II: Changing business communities in industrial and rural spaces
Chapter 6: Industrial agglomeration and regional development planning analysis by GIS in the city of Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan (Takahito Niwa)
Chapter 7: Unique functions of a metropolitan co-working space: A case study in Tokyo, Japan (Kenta Yamamoto)
Chapter 8: How customer service centers in foreign cities serving Japan changed their business?: A case study of the city of Dalian, China (Yasuhisa Abe)
Chapter 9: Factors influencing enterprise development in the inland regions of Fujian province in China (Lin Chen and Su Guandong)
Chapter 10: Transformation of agricultural management in Japan under globalization pressure: A focus on product differentiation strategy (Atsushi Kawakubo)
本研究グループとの関連では、代表者のシュルンツェが、リーダーを務めるManagement Geographyに関する独立研究グループで、2月ポーランドにおいてワークショップを開催した。