(21)気候と災害の歴史研究グループ - 日本地理学会

代表者  三上 岳彦

2020年度は、地理学会での研究グループ例会は行わなかったが、AGU(American Geophysical Union)の年次大会(オンライン)において、研究グループメンバーによる下記3件のポスター発表を行った。


Naoko Hasegawa, Takehiko Mikami, Junpei Hirano and Bruce Batten: Newly discovered long-term record of freezing/breaking-up dates for Lake Jusan in Northern Japan during 1705–1860 as compared with those of Lake Suwa.

Takehiko Mikami, Naoko Hasegawa, Junpei Hirano and Bruce Batten: Long-term winter/spring climatic changes in Northern Japan reconstructed from snowfall rates and lake-freezing records.

Junpei Hirano and Takehiko Mikami: Comparison of winter daily weather patterns in Japan reconstructed from old diaries and 20th century reanalysis data during the 19th century.